By Products Critical Raw Materials Mineral Processing Technology Mining Raw Materials Sustainable Ionometallurgy

The ION4RAW consortium recently convened in Freiberg, Germany, for their first in-person meeting, marking an important step towards a more sustainable future. This gathering brought together experts and researchers committed to shifting mineral extraction practices and promoting the responsible use of raw materials.

During the three productive days, the consortium members engaged in fruitful discussions, sharing valuable insights and updates on the progress of their work packages. This in person meeting allowed for fruitful discussions and research collaborations, enabling the exchange of ideas and the alignment of efforts towards the project’s common goals.

The highlight of the meeting was the consortium’s visit to Freiberg’s metal mine, an enlightening experience that showcased the innovative practices employed for mineral extraction, the ongoing experiments conducted on-site, and the range of metals being extracted. Witnessing the operations first-hand underscored the significance of responsible mining and the crucial role it plays in achieving a greener and more environmentally conscious future.

The ION4RAW project recognizes the pressing need for a paradigm shift in mineral extraction, aiming to develop innovative techniques that reduce environmental impact while ensuring the efficient utilization of raw materials. By combining expertise from various fields, the consortium strives to unlock new possibilities and drive the transition towards a more sustainable and resource-efficient society. Through ongoing research, development, and collaboration, the ION4RAW consortium seeks to pioneer breakthrough solutions that will help preserve our planet’s precious resources for generations to come.

The TU Freiberg International Centre deserves special recognition for hosting the consortium and providing an ideal platform for knowledge exchange and collaboration.

As the project continues to make significant strides towards sustainable mineral extraction, stay tuned for more updates on the work being done by the ION4RAW consortium.